Saturday, September 09, 2006

UK Muslim Community

Why is it that the Muslim Community in the UK feel so excluded? I've been thinking about this a lot lately for obvious reasons.

As an American who's been living in the UK for a very long time I keep wondering why it is that Muslims in the United States feel much more part of the nation than do Muslims and many immigrant communities do here in Britain.

I've concluded that it has a lot to do with the fact that anyone born in the United States can become President or indeed fill any elected or non-elected office that is available to any other American. There is a feeling of inclusion and accessibility. Whereas in the UK, hidebound by tradition as it is, there is much that ordinary people, especially immigrants and the Muslim population whether immigrants or not, find irrelevant to their lives and impossible to identify with.

From the Monarchy (an anachronism if there ever was one) on down there is, in reality, a huge number of positions denied to ordinary people. I'm certain this creates a sense of isolation which in turn creates bitterness, anger and gives rise to the unrest that we see increasingly taking a grip of our world.


Blogger underneath said...

Interesting blog - keep up the good work!

7:12 PM  

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