Monday, February 22, 2016

UK Referendum

David Cameron must be regretting every moment that he decided to make such a big deal about "battling for Britain" and getting such a paltry reward after so many months and £s spent on a fruitless exercise. But he must rue even more his offer to hold a Stay or Leave the EU referendum.

Cameron may well go down in history as the man who plunged the knife in to Britain's suicide. Does England want to be a third rate country alone (and hated) in the North Sea, hoping it can at least be a poodle to the United States (itself of diminishing importance) or does it want to be part of one of the largest, most powerful, productive, creative and economically successful unions in the world?

The reaction of the world's economy to the news that the self-promoter -in-chief Boris Johnson wants to leave the EU was predictable - the £ lost more against the value of the $ and the € than at any other time since the banking crisis of 2008. It's obvious that Boris' profile would increase dramatically by uniting with other 'luminaries' (Michael Gove? Ian Duncan Smith?) rather than cow-towing to his fellow Old Etonian David Cameron but perhaps he is playing clever games and really wants to Stay but wants to show he can get more from a deal simply by his dramatic announcement. We'll see.

We now face four more months of expensive, time consuming tedium but if Boris and his acolytes win the day and Britain does vote to leave woe betide the poor, friendless, powerless victim of suicide that used to be one of the greatest countries on the planet.


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